PTT ranked Gold Class with the world's highest score for Sustainability in the Oil & Gas Upstream & Integrated industry
Mr. Auttapol Rerkpiboon President & Chief Executive Officer, PTT Public Company Limited (PTT) revealed that PTT received S&P Global Sustainability Award 2021in Gold Class, the highest level of sustainability rating from S&P Global, with the highest score being the leader in the Oil & Gas Upstream & Integrated industry. In addition, PTT ranked in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) World Index and the DJSI Emerging Market Index groups for the ninth consecutive year. These acknowledgement reflects PTT’s commitment to applying a sustainable approach to driving its business, by balancing the economy, environment and society under its principles of good corporate governance. Strengthen energy and enhance the competitiveness of the country are also the determination of PTT. We prompted to develop technology and innovation to enhance the quality of life of Thai people and grow together sustainably
Furthermore, PTT Group companies namely PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited (PTTEP), Thai Oil Public Company Limited (TOP), IRPC Public Company Limited (IRPC) and PTT Global Chemical Company Limited (GC) continued to be a member of the DJSI and ranked Gold Class from S&P Global Sustainability Award as well. In respect of Global Power Synergy Public Company Limited (GPSC) participated in the DJSI assessment and was selected to be on the list sustainability yearbook that is also the first with the highest score of 15% in the Electric Utilities industry sector.