About PTT

Organization Secretary Roles

About PTT

Organization Secretary Roles

To comply with the CG principles of listed companies under the category of directors' responsibility and the terms of the Securities and Exchange Act, the Board appointed a Company Secretary to provide the Board with legal advice and reminds them of assorted regulations that they need to know and comply with; hold meetings; supervise assorted Board activities to enable them to perform efficiently and effectively for the maximum benefit to PTT; prepare and maintain critical documents, including directors' registration, Board meeting notices and minutes, annual reports; issue shareholders' meeting notices and minutes, and keep reports on connected transactions reported by directors or the management

The Board appointed Mrs. Pilasphan Udomjarumanee, Executive Vice President, Company Secretary and Corporate Relation, to also serve as the Company Secretary, with effect from
May 16, 2024.

Mrs. Pilasphan Udomjarumanee

Company Secretary: (May 16, 2024 - present)

Age: 58

  • Bachelor of Arts (English), Silpakorn University
  • Post Graduate Diploma Degree in Business Administration, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia
  • Master Degree of Business Administration (Finance), Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Australia
Company Secretary Training Record:
  • Anti-Corruption Practical Guide (ACPG 64/2023), Board Nomination & Compensation Program (BNCP 16/2023), Ethical Leadership (EPL 27/2022), Company Secretary Refreshment Training Program (RFP 4/2021), Subsidiary Governance, Business and Legal Issues for Directors and Executives, and Transformative Leadership for Global Enterprise 2022, Director’s Legal Liabilities, Ethical Leadership for new Era and High Performing Board & Board Effectiveness, 2021 (In-house Programs by GC), Board Reporting Program (BRP 35/2020), Company Reporting Program (CRP 26/2020), Company Secretary Program (CSP 107/2020), Corporate Governance for Executives (CGE 16/2020) and Director Certification Program (DCP 287/2019),
    Thai Institute of Directors Association (IOD)
  • Leadership Development Program (LDP) 2 PLLI, INSEAD
  • Supply Chain and Supply Sourcing, McKinsey
  • Strategy Management Program - 2018, Fiscal Policy Research Institute Foundation, Ministry of Finance
  • M&A Training for Senior Leadership - 2018, Institute for Merger, Acquisition & Alliance
  • Leadership Development Program (LDP) 2 - 2015, Sasin Graduate Institute of Business Administration of Chulalongkorn University
Professional Experience:
  • May 16, 2024 - Present
    Executive Vice President, PTT Global Chemical Public Company Limited working on a Secondment as Executive Vice President, Company Secretary and Corporate Relation, PTT Public Company Limited
  • October 1, 2019 - May 15, 2024
    Senior Vice President - Corporate Secretary and Legal and Company Secretary PTT Global Chemical Public Company Limited
  • September 1, 2016 - September 30, 2019
    Vice President - Strategy and Planning Department, PTT Global Chemical Public Company Limited
Related Important Position Held:
  • -
Other Experiences/ Other Activities
  • Committee Member of Thai Company Secretary Club, Thai Listed Companies Association
Relationship with Executives:
  • None