PTT was entrusted by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation as a main partner of National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), in realizing the Eastern Economic Corridor of Innovation (EECi) as "Southeast Asia's Leading Innovation Ecosystem".
The over 3,500 Rai plot in Wangchan Valley of Rayong province was created to serve as a base for research, development and innovation, to nurture advancements towards Thailand 4.0 policy.
PTT, as the land developer, wishes to make the Eastern Economic Corridor of Innovation (EECi) a Smart Innovation Ecosystem accommodating both its inhabitants' work and life and has thus divided into 3 main zones.
whereas VISTEC and KVIS as well as the Wangchan Forest Learning Center are now located.
2. Innovation Zonethe location of Innovation Hub, including Biopolis, Aripolis, Space Innopolis and Food Innopolis. State agencies, companies within PTT group and private sectors with an interest in innovation can also be found in this zone.
3. Community Zonedesigned for the living and leisure of researchers and their families, as well as local community and other customers. This zone is equipped with a PTT Station, Co-working space, restaurants, shops, the Smart Lifestyle Center and activity areas along with hotels and apartments, and international schools.
Under the principle of Smart City + National Innovation Park, PTT, as the land developer, designed Wangchan Valley to support the Eastern Economic Corridor of Innovation (EECi) as a Smart Natural Innovation Platform adhering to the feature of the Smart City.
Through these Platform, the EECi is an ecosystem for the progress that will push the nation towards Thailand 4.0.
PTT is proud of being prime alliance of EECi to create the Smart Natural Innovation Platform of Thailand for Sustainable Growth for All.
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