PTT engages in the business of natural gas supply, wholesale, and retail distribution as well as distribution of Gas Separation Plant (GSP) products in addition to investing, through PTT Group companies, in addition of value to natural gas. The natural gas is supplied by indigenous sources, those imported from neighboring countries, and LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) to meet the demand of power plants and industrial customers. To this latter end, PTT invests in gas distribution systems and the transport sector through its investment in NGV stations and sale of GSP products through its investment in GSPs, which adds value to indigenous gas by using as petrochemical feedstock and sale of LPG as a household, industrial, and transport fuel.
In addition, PTT has invested in an LNG receiving terminal through its wholly owned subsidiary PTTLNG Company Limited, which receives LNG, tankers and regasifies the LNG into gas phase, thus accommodating PTT's import of LNG. In 2018, the capacity of the first terminal was expanded from 10 million tons to 11.5 million tons; a second terminal is under construction to lift the capacity from 11.5 million tons to 19 million tons, scheduled for completion in 2022.
Under the Energy Business Act of 2007, the natural gas supply and wholesale businesses decide sales price structures for power-sector customers, while the administration of natural gas pipeline transmission derives given State-specified rates of return. As for the gas distribution business, aimed for industrial customers, its sales prices vary with the world fuel oil price to enable competition with alternative fuels., As for the products of GSPs,which are sold to petrochemical industry, is to be a function of petrochemical and petroleum product prices, which in turn vary with the world market.
Natural Gas Supply
In 2022, total gas supply amounted to 4,177 MMscfd. This consisted of 2,334 MMscfd of gas from indigenous sources, namely Gulf of Thailand, Malaysia-Thailand Joint Development Area (MTJDA), and onshore gas, and 1,843 MMscfd of imports, namely those from Myanmar and LNG. The current indigenous/import ratio therefore stands at 56:44.

Natural gas distribution
Natural gas distribution in 2022 stood at 4,358 MMscfd, made up of the power sector (58.5%), GSPs (18.7%), industrial sector (18.5%), transportation sector (3.4%), and others (0.3%).
Distribution Pipelines
The distribution pipeline system totals 493 kilometers, branching off from the transmission pipeline system to various industrial customers, which today number 450.
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