
Security, Safety and Occupational Health


Security, Safety and Occupational Health

Sustainable Development Goals

Positive and Negative Impacts

PTT faces significant challenges concerning stability, safety, occupational health, and environmental conditions in the workplace due to the intricate nature of its production processes, the use of hazardous chemicals, and prolonged utilization of diverse production equipment. The activities or operations of stakeholders, including contractors, may impact PTT's equipment or operational areas, leading to unforeseen incidents that could result in loss of life, injury, illness, property damage, or disruption of critical operations. Such incidents can profoundly affect business operations and competitiveness. Moreover, these occurrences could have far-reaching effects on the country's economy, the quality of life for communities, and various stakeholders. Addressing these challenges requires PTT to effectively manage and prioritize security, safety, occupational health, and work environment. Furthermore, it necessitates the enhancement of business continuity management to efficiently handle various situations and risks that may arise in any form.

PTT is committed to systematically managing and mitigating risks concerning Safety, Security, Health, and Environment (SSHE). This involves applying engineering principles and tools in line with international standards, legal mandates, and diverse requirements for identifying hazards, assessing risks, and implementing controls across all stages of production, storage, design, usage, maintenance, inspection, testing, and transportation of products, including hazardous chemicals. These efforts extend to PTT's internal operations as well as those carried out by regular and external contractors, such as maintenance and product transportation services. Recognizing the potential environmental impacts of these activities, PTT employs various management methods and frameworks to proactively address risks and prevent adverse effects, thereby instilling confidence in the SSHE management system among all stakeholders.

Objectives / Targets

Under the commitment laid out in the Quality, Security, Safety, Occupational Health, and Environment (QSHE) policy, PTT establishes annual operational targets that are in line with the comprehensive sustainability management master plan. PTT's ultimate goal is to achieve zero accidents within the organization by 2030. Key performance indicators comprise:

  • Lost Time Accident (LTA) of employees and contractors (person)
  • Total Recordable Injury Rate (TRIR) of employees and contractors (time per 200,000  hours worked)
  • Total Recordable Occupational Illness Rate (TROIR) of employees (time per 200,000 hours worked)
  • Process Safety Events (PSE)
  • Major Car Accident
  • Major Truck Accident Rate (case per 1,000,000 kilometers)
  • Major marine transportation accident rate (case per 1,000 vessel voyage number in port)

Moreover, corporate key performance indicators (Corporate KPIs) have been implemented to evaluate the performance of business unit executives and are subsequently integrated into business lines  targets within each business unit to mirror the management competencies of each unit. This alignment enables companies within the PTT Group to synchronize their objectives with the organizational context.

PTT Group’s Safety, Occupational Health, and Environmental Targets

PTT Group’s Quality, Security, Safety, Occupational Health, and Environmental (QSHE) targets of 2024

PTT Group's Safety, Occupational Health Targets


2024 Target

Total Recordable Injuries Rate (TRIR)
(Persons per 200,000 hours worked)
Employee 0.040
Contractor 0.072

Total Recordable Operational Illness Rate (TROIR)
(Persons per 200,000 hours worked)

Employee 0.072

Overall Management Approach


PTT is dedicated to managing workplace safety, occupational health, and work environmental impacts as integral components of its Quality, Security, Safety, Occupational Health, and Environment (QSHE) management strategy. Endorsed by the Chief Executive Officer and President and the PTT’s Board of Directors. The overarching objective is to enhance stakeholder value in a balanced and continuous manner. Acting as a management framework, the QSHE policy ensures alignment across PTT and its subsidiary companies toward shared objectives. The emphasis is on profound implementation, characterized by:

  • The policy is universally applied, encompassing all employees and contractors within PTT's supply chain and the PTT Group, guaranteeing adherence to laws, regulations, organization requirement, international standards, voluntary programs and/or collective agreements.
  • It acts as a foundational framework for establishing both long-term and annual operational objectives within QSHE, which in turn informs organizational planning and performance metrics, assessed at each management tier.
  • Risk management measures are implemented to mitigate potential losses stemming from incidents impacting lives, assets, production operations, and logistical processes, thereby fostering the well-being of employees, contractors, and stakeholders in terms of health, occupational safety, and environmental concerns.
  • Vigorously manage risks to safeguard against, prevent, and mitigate environmental impacts.
  • Foster transparent communication of operational results and performance to stakeholders, ensuring comprehension and awareness. This involves actively listening to their needs and expectations through providing opportunities for employees and contractors to participate and provide suggestions and feedbacks. To ensure that the performance is continuously reviewed and enhanced.
  • Clearly delineate responsibilities to facilitate robust guidance and supervision from management across all levels.
  • Enforce compliance with the QSHE policy by ensuring that all employees and contractors are well-informed, comprehend, and adhere to its principles.
  • Establish an annual review process for QSHE policies, objectives, targets, and progress/plans led by the Corporate QSHE unit. This comprehensive review involves the participation of Quality, Security, Safety, Occupational Health, and Environmental Business Areas (QSHE BA), ensuring their valuable input. The reviewed policies undergo thorough examination by

     PTT's Management Committee and receive endorsement from the Chief Executive Officer and President and the PTT’s Board of Directors.

PTT Group Quality, Security, Safety, Occupational Health, and Environmental Policy

Governance Structure and management of Safety and Occupational Health

PTT implements a comprehensive oversight mechanism for safety and occupational health, commencing with the dissemination of policies, targets, and SSHE management standard throughout the organization. Each business unit assumes responsibility for controlling and supervising implementation within its operational areas and departments, ensuring compliance with the SSHE management system, guidelines, procedures, work instruction, and supporting documentation. QSHE units operate at the business line level, encompassing divisions such as natural gas separation, natural gas pipeline systems, innovation institutes, natural gas for vehicle, and the QSHE division overseeing main office building areas. PTT's duties include advocacy, guidance, and progress monitoring against established targets, plans, and performance indicators. Reports are submitted to management at operation, business line, and business unit all the way to management committee levels, culminating at the PTT Board of Director level. This process follows the Sustainability Governance Structure  to review and evaluate performance and effectiveness according to agenda base meeting.

Safety and Occupational Health Management Approach

PTT's safety management encompasses various aspects, including personal safety, process safety, product transportation safety, and vehicle safety, all with the overarching target of achieving zero accidents to foster confidence among stakeholders. This approach is guided by the PTT Integrated Management System (PIMS), which integrates security, safety, occupational health, and environmental management. Through PIMS, PTT ensures that SSHE risk management is in line with established policies and works towards meeting specific operational objectives. Additionally, for companies operating within the PTT Group, management practices are guided collectively by the principles outlined in the PTT Group Way of Conduct.

PTT Integrated Management System (PIMS)
Element M4: SSHE (Safety, Security, Occupational Health, and Environment)

The SSHE management system has undergone thorough review and updates, ensuring alignment with current Thai legislation, international standards, and leading practices, encompassing ISO standards and guidelines from GRI, WBCSD, and IPIECA. Furthermore, it maintains a proactive stance by consistently evaluating the organization's context and risk. Notably, it has been harmoniously integrated with other organizational management systems, enhancing seamless and efficient implementation across the board.

Furthermore, PTT's core operational facilities, encompassing natural gas separation plants, natural gas pipeline systems, natural gas for vehicle main and mother stations, , and the head office have attained certification to internationally recognized standards such as ISO45001 and ISO14001. These prestigious certifications are granted by the Management System Certification Institute (Thailand) (MASCI), a recognized certification body. Additionally, it also values adherence to standards like ISO50001 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR-DIW), ISO22301 Business Continuity Management standards, etc. The certification process is meticulously conducted, considering the relevance and alignment with the expectations of stakeholders.

Moreover, PTT prioritizes the ongoing improvement of its safety management practices through thorough analysis, identification, and evaluation of various potential hazards and threats that could pose risks to the organization.

Employee Safety

To effectively control, prevent, and mitigate the risk of accidents that directly affect employees and contractors, PTT prioritizes the enhancement of its safety, occupational health, and environmental management systems in the workplace. Furthermore, there is a concerted effort to foster a safety culture across the organization, with an emphasis on engaging employees and contractors to promote safety awareness and practices, not only during working hours but also outside of them. Key initiatives encompass:

  • Implementing robust processes to manage and oversee safety, occupational health, and environmental risks within the workplace. This begins with the identification of hazards, followed by thorough risk assessments, the development of risk mitigation measures, and strategies for minimizing impacts. These efforts entail the establishment of operational procedure, work instruction, and work standards that conform to global best practices.
  • Crafting explicit process and procedures to nurture a strong SSHE culture throughout the organization, coupled with regular evaluations to gauge the maturity level of this culture. These assessments provide valuable insights for ongoing enhancements to operational procedure.
  • Developing visual media and leaflets that outline PTT Life Saving Rules to serve as the cornerstone of basic safety regulations for all employees and contractors. These resources are mandatory in all work areas, facilitating internal communication and knowledge dissemination within PTT. They play a crucial role in promoting safe work practices, mitigating accident risks, preventing injuries and work-related illnesses. Additionally, they encompass procedures for work review, hazard identification, risk assessments, reporting substandard conditions or actions, the Stop Work Authority, and the Rights to Refuse Work. These materials are extensively utilized for communication, training, and fostering awareness among PTT's employees and contractors regarding fundamental safety regulations. In 2023, there was a notable reduction in accidents involving both employees and contractors compared to the previous year. PTT not only bestows upon its employees and contractors the privilege to decline hazardous tasks without repercussions (Right to Refuse Work) but also empowers them with the authority to halt operations when encountering potentially dangerous situations (Stop Work Authority).
  • Creating a robust incident reporting system to empower employees to report any deviations from standards, encompassing accidents, near misses, substandard acts and conditions, and instances of non-compliance with laws, regulations, or operational procedures. The collected data undergoes thorough analysis to devise systematic controls and risk mitigation measures. In 2023, substantial improvements were implemented, such as integrating functionality to import car accident data obtained from insurance companies. This enhancement included tracking driver records and optimizing data utilization for incident summary reporting, thereby enhancing user satisfaction and fulfilling their requirements more effectively.
  • Conducting thorough safety training sessions designed to meet legal obligations while addressing the specific training requirements of both employees and contractors.
  • Continuously promote the Incident Injury Free (IIF) initiative across diverse operational sectors, commencing with the natural gas separation plants, where a structured five step problem-solving methodology encompassing Planning, Assessment, Engagement, Skills Development, and Sustaining is enacted. Simultaneously, it also embeds safety culture principles into the operations of the natural gas pipeline system. In 2023, concerted endeavors were undertaken to elevate safety awareness and instill safety-conscious behaviors through targeted training sessions involving personnel from all operational areas. Substantial strides in safety were realized through Small Group Activity (SGA) endeavors, resulting in an uptick in safety culture assessment ratings from 4.16 to 4.36 out of 5 following the integration of safety culture tenets within the natural gas pipeline system operations. Furthermore, PTT is committed to advancing safety culture continually, with plans to extend its influence throughout the organization.

Management of Occupational Health and Workplace Conditions

In overseeing the occupational health and workplace condition, PTT has devised the PTT Group Occupational Health Management System, consolidated into the PTT Group Occupational Health Management System Guideline, ensuring compliance with legal stipulations, industry best practices, and global standards. Key initiatives encompass:

  • Engaging occupational physicians to perform thorough workplace assessments, conduct interviews with employees and contractors, and evaluate Health Risk Assessment (HRA) protocols to cover all conceivable hazards. This involves inspecting work environments, conducting occupational health screenings, establishing protocols for sample collection and analysis, implementing specific control measures to mitigate health risks, as well as scheduling annual occupational health examinations for all employees.
  • Upon analyzing health check-up and medical treatment data in 2023, it was observed that the majority of employees suffered from non-communicable diseases associated with office work. Consequently, occupational health training courses were organized, encompassing fundamental ergonomic principles for computer work, manual handling, and material handling for both office and field workers. The training also delved into advanced topics and problem-solving strategies concerning computer ergonomics, measures to prevent hearing loss, and medical emergency management. Additionally, continuous health promotion initiatives were implemented to encourage employees and contractors to uphold robust health practices. Examples of these initiatives include ongoing exercise promotion programs like Walk and Run, Fun and Fit, and Fight Fat Fun.  
  • Developing and refining operational guidelines pertaining to occupational health involves creating procedures for health check-ups, establishing criteria to assess health risks, outlining protocols to manage emerging infectious diseases within the PTT Group, and formulating guidelines for public health management and workplace health promotion within the organization. Additionally, ergonomic guidelines are being developed for computer work, manual handling, and material handling among PTT Group personnel, along with medical emergency management protocols. These endeavors are aimed at enhancing PTT's occupational health management and aligning it with the Health Performance Indicators (HPI) standards established by the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP).
PTT has emphasized the importance of health care and prevention of the spread of emerging infectious diseases such as COVID-19. Consequently, PTT has developed the PTT Group Emerging Infectious Diseases Management Guideline with the objective of preparing for and responding to situations involving the outbreak of such diseases. This guideline addresses health, occupational health, and safety measures for employees and workers in operational areas, as well as potential impacts on business operations and society. It underscores the need for preventive measures and related health management, including the use of personal protective equipment, infection control, and ensuring a safe working environment. Additionally, it serves as a guideline for management to consider establishing task forces or emergency management centers to address outbreaks of emerging infectious diseases. Compliance with laws, regulations, guidelines from the Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health, and relevant government agencies is also emphasized to minimize potential impacts, ensure business continuity, and efficiently restore operations to normalcy in the event of an outbreak.

Process Safety Management

Accidents occurring in the production process have the potential to inflict significant harm on human life, property, and the natural environment, while also affecting stakeholders across the supply chain. Recognizing this, PTT Group places a strong emphasis on accident prevention, particularly concerning severe incidents like fires, explosions, or the release of hazardous chemicals into the environment. This emphasis is achieved through the implementation of the Process Safety Management (PSM) system within key operational areas. The foundation of this approach lies in meticulous attention to the design and construction of manufacturing processes and facilities, adhering closely to engineering principles and global standards. Furthermore, employees are trained to operate machinery safely in accordance with operational manuals, and regular maintenance ensures that machinery and instrument remain suitable and compliant with international standards.

PTT Group has implemented a comprehensive system for determining and gathering Process Safety Leading and Lagging Indicators. This system follows established methods and guidelines for data collection in alignment with the international standard API RP 754. Lagging indicators for Process safety in tier 1 and 2 are deployed to relevant parties as the PTT Group’s annual QSHE targets. Continuous monitoring of operational performance allows for the swift identification of corrective and preventive measures, helping to mitigate losses arising from accidents in the production process.

In 2023, PTT Group continued its efforts to refine and strengthen the barrier validation processes for Major Accident Events (MAE), building upon the foundation laid by the implementation of Bow Tie Analysis techniques for assessing and mitigating safety risks in production processes since 2019. The primary aim of the barrier validation process is to verify the effectiveness and readiness of MAE control measures within the operational risk management framework, covering both equipment and human barrier. This entails regular updating and maintaining control measures to address any identified deficiencies promptly, ensuring their swift reinstatement when needed. Robust MAE control measures play a pivotal role in averting severe accidents, minimizing disruptions to production, and safeguarding business continuity. Additionally, they serve to alleviate potential impacts on nearby communities and the environment surrounding operational facilities. This endeavor involved collaboration with specialized consultants to validate MAE control measures in two critical operational zones: Gas Separation Plant Units 5 and 6. These areas are of paramount importance for evaluating the efficacy of both equipment-related safeguards and personnel-driven interventions. Moreover, the Company is actively fostering the advancement and enhancement of safety management standards in manufacturing operations across PTT and its affiliated entities. The primary objective is to prevent and mitigate the severe consequences of major incidents such as fires, explosions, and hazardous chemical leaks. Notably, in 2023, PTT's high-risk operational zones successfully implemented Bow Tie Analysis technique, encompassing 90% of the targeted areas, with intentions to extend this approach company-wide in the future. This effort also involves convening operational best-practice sharing sessions to enrich the collective knowledge and experiences of each entity, thereby significantly bolstering safety management standards within PTT's operational areas and its subsidiaries.

Additionally, in 2023, PTT arranged for a Safety Risk Assessment and Assurance program (PTT Safety Risk Assessment and Assurance) to evaluate risks and safety in PTT operational areas. Expert consultants from external safety process management companies conducted assessments to ensure the operational readiness of assets (Asset Integrity) and evaluated the Process Safety Management (PSM) system. These assessments aimed to elevate safety standards across the natural gas separation, natural gas pipeline transmission, and Natural Gas for Vehicle (NGV) business areas, totaling 24 operational zones.

Security Management

PTT has established security management standards and risk assessment guidelines for the PTT Group, ensuring a consistent approach to security across all operational areas. Moreover, it has developed methods for implementing security practices among personnel and assets, providing a robust framework for overseeing security operations. Regular reviews are conducted to ensure that these guidelines remain relevant and effective in different situations. Additionally, PTT collaborates with government agencies, state enterprises, and private sectors to conduct news-related activities and promptly seek assistance in emergency situations. Security preparedness plans are routinely rehearsed in operational areas of the PTT Group, complemented by emergency drills, to maintain readiness and ensure the effective implementation of emergency management systems.

PTT places great emphasis on advancing security management practices, categorizing its efforts into three primary areas: bolstering personnel skills, fine-tuning operational protocols, and incorporating safety innovations into practical application.

PTT acknowledges the potential human rights risks associated with security activities. Consequently, robust measures to uphold human rights are enshrined in the PTT Group Quality, Security, Safety, Occupational health, and Environmental policies. These measures include safeguarding the lives, assets, and data of the organization, along with offering training sessions for security personnel employed through outsourcing, covering self-defense strategies and screening protocols. Moreover, security assurance assessments are routinely conducted within all PTT Group operations to monitor the performance of security personnel, ensuring they fulfill their responsibilities without violating the rights of individuals. The policy respectfully encompasses security service partners within PTT's operational area and diligently conducts compliance audits every three years.

Transport Safety Management

PTT is dedicated to enhancing safety management systems for vehicle and product transportation to improve efficiency. The overarching target is to attain zero accidents across all modes of transportation, encompassing road, rail, and water routes. To achieve this goal, PTT has implemented the following measures:

Safety Management in Vehicle 

Stakeholders: Executives, Employees, and Contractors including drivers.

  • In 2023, the Safe Driving Challenge project was introduced for employees and contractors operating PTT vehicles. This initiative leveraged the Advanced Safety Vehicle (ASV) system to evaluate and oversee driving habits. As a result of meeting predefined criteria, the driver's licenses for PTT vehicles were automatically renewed for 229 individuals who demonstrated safe driving behaviors. Following the driving behavior assessments conducted in 2023, the average score reached 71%, marking a notable 1.71% improvement compared to 2022.
  • The 21-Days Helmet Challenge, a voluntary initiative, was implemented to promote helmet use among employees, contractors, and workers in PTT's operational areas, including both the PTT Head Office and the Board of Investment of Thailand (BOI) offices, where motorcycle riding is prevalent. A total of 221 individuals took part in the program. Survey findings revealed a rise in helmet usage from 72% before the initiative to 80% presently.
  • Educational driving safety videos were developed and uploaded onto YouTube to enrich the knowledge, comprehension, and consciousness of safe driving practices among employees, contractors, and external stakeholders.

Product Transportation by Road

Stakeholders: Transportation contractors

  • An Advanced Analytics system for Road Safety has been developed, which involves leveraging data from petroleum transportation, encompassing driving behavior, vehicle maintenance records, and transportation routes. This system aims to analyze accident probabilities, monitor potential accident occurrences, and generate reports on transportation efficiency.
  • The "Risk in Road Safety" activity was conducted, aimed at fostering and enhancing safety awareness among petroleum transportation drivers. The process involves: 
    • An Advanced Analytics system for Road Safety has been developed, which involves leveraging data from petroleum transportation, encompassing driving behavior, vehicle maintenance records, and transportation routes. This system aims to analyze accident probabilities, monitor potential accident occurrences, and generate reports on transportation efficiency.
    • PTT reviews the data and evaluates the risks by considering the severity of incidents reported by the drivers and accident statistics at those risk points. If high risks are identified, PTT conducts comprehensive area inspections and risk assessments.
    • The findings from the risk assessments of the areas are utilized to establish corrective, preventive, or risk mitigation measures for the locations where a high level of risk is identified. 
    • Disseminate risk information materials to transportation contractors via the PTT Group Transportation Safety Management Taskforce.
    • Recognize transportation contractors and drivers according to predetermined criteria. In 2023, the program saw the participation of 264 individuals, who reported a total of 354 risk points. These reports were subsequently compiled into a database and shared during discussions at the PTT Group Transportation Safety Management Taskforce meetings.

Product Transportation by Rail

Stakeholders: The State Railway of Thailand

  • Developed safety standards and operational protocols for transportation, in collaboration with the State Railway of Thailand, to align with the Regulation Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail (RID).
  • In response to a railroad incident involving the derailment of a crude oil tanker train at the Bang Phra Oil Depot in Mueang District, Phitsanulok Province, PTT conducted emergency management and crisis response drills. These exercises were carried out in partnership with PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited (PTTEP), the State Railway of Thailand (SRT), community leaders, and provincial government agencies. The primary goal was to enhance emergency response practices among employees, contractors, communities, and government agencies while instilling confidence in the region regarding emergency management and response. We meticulously evaluated the effectiveness and outcomes of these drills, gathering feedback from stakeholders to continuously improve and refine our emergency response plans.

Product Transportation by Water

Stakeholders: Shipping Contractors

  • Champion the integration of the Marine Terminal Information System (MTIS) across the PTT Group, fostering a culture of safety sharing within group entities through the PTT Group Transportation Safety Management Taskforce.
  • Convening a working group meeting dedicated to enhancing safety in maritime petroleum product transportation, with participation from representatives of the PTT Group. The objective is to craft strategic plans and operational guidelines. This initiative involves collaboration between the PTT Group and contracted transportation companies, with a focus on ensuring legal compliance, effective organizational management, prudent management of aging assets, skill enhancement for office, port, and onboard personnel, and fostering a safety-first culture among executives and employees across all tiers. The overarching aim is to work towards achieving accident-free maritime product transportation.

Safe Driving Practices within the Community

Stakeholders: Residents of Rayong Province

In 2023, PTT partnered with the government and private sector in Rayong Province to launch the "Good drive Good life" project, aimed at enhancing road safety for schools and communities. It comprises 5 activities:
  • The "Safe Schools, Secure Communities" initiative collaborates with the Provincial Road Accident Prevention Planning Committee in the Eastern Region to enhance road safety within school premises. It educates on identifying driving hazards within and around schools, offers consultations and recommendations, and encourages the participating schools to develop safety measures for their premises and surroundings. Aligned with the "Learn, Play, Plan, and Implement Road Accident Prevention Measures" concept, this initiative receives budgetary support from the PTT Group to address risks for participating schools. In 2023, 9 schools engaged in 9 projects under this initiative.
  • The "New Generation Drivers, Safe Riding" initiative is a program aimed at providing motorcycle driving technique training for driving license acquisition. It is conducted by PTT in partnership with the Department of Land Transport and NPC Safety and Environmental Services Co., Ltd. This initiative delivers training to students from 4 schools, resulting in a total of 275 students successfully completing the training and obtaining their motorcycle driving licenses.
  • The "Volunteer Spirit for Road Safety" initiative aims to bolster awareness and defensive driving skills within communities. PTT conducts training on defensive driving techniques for 46 leaders of 7 communities. These leaders are tasked with disseminating this knowledge to families, organizations, or their own team members to promote road safety awareness.
  • The road risk assessment and mitigation project gathered risk data from the Rayong Provincial Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Office and accident data from pertinent public and private sector networks spanning the last 3 years. Through this process, 4 high-risk areas were identified, leading to the development of risk reduction measures encompassing both corrective and preventive actions, which will be provided to the Rayong Provincial Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Office.
  • The "Good to Know with Godji" video series was developed to promote safe driving practices. It includes 3 episodes covering driving license point deduction criteria, 6 episodes focusing on safe car driving techniques, and 8 episodes on motorcycle driving. In total, there will be 17 episodes featuring practical examples like adjusting seats and mirrors to reduce blind spots. These videos will be accessible online through Facebook's "Drive Safely, Be Happy" page and YouTube channel @gooddrivegoodlife, offering valuable resources for safe driving education and review to the general public.

Emergency, Crisis, and Business Continuity Management

PTT has updated its emergency management plan to align with the National Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Plan for 2021-2027, aiming to improve systematic and efficient coordination and data sharing with relevant government agencies. In 2023, PTT conducted a comprehensive review of its emergency and crisis management strategies, utilizing the Incident Command System (ICS) for provincial-level emergency drills. This involved collaboration with the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, provincial government agencies in Rayong, and PTT Group companies. The goal was to ensure that executives and all units comprehend their roles and responsibilities, fostering the seamless integration and effectiveness of emergency and crisis management procedures. This approach also supports the continuous management of business operations. Further details are outlined below.

In September 2023, a disaster prevention and mitigation drill took place in Rayong Province, focusing on the industrial estate area, surrounding regions of Map Ta Phut Industrial Estate, and the port area in Mueang Rayong District. This exercise simulated medium-level disasters (Level 2) encompassing scenarios such as natural calamities, tsunamis, strong winds, chemical spills, hazardous materials incidents, radiation threats, and population evacuations. The Provincial Governor acted as the Incident Commander. During the drill, effective communication channels were established between the PTT Group Emergency Management Center (GEMC) and the emergency management centers of PTT Global Chemical Public Company Limited and PTT LNG Company Limited through video conferencing systems. 

Furthermore, there has been a thorough review, refinement, and augmentation of PTT's business continuity management (BCM) system. This included practicing BCM plans, especially in scenarios such as cyber-attacks that could render all systems non-operational. Additionally, contingency measures were established to address potential disruptions in natural gas supply from both the eastern and western coasts. During these drills, the Chief Executive Officer and President assumed the leadership role, with other executives participating as per the Crisis Management Center (CMC) framework. Collaboration extended to the emergency management centers of the business group, including PTT Digital Solutions Company Limited, facilitated through video conferencing systems. Moreover, in 2023, PTT retained its certification for business continuity management standards (ISO22301) from The Management System Certification Institute (Thailand) or MASCI.

Communication, Participation, and Consultation

PTT ensures transparency in communicating its policies, management guidelines, and operational outcomes to both internal and external stakeholders. Moreover, it fosters a culture of participation among employees and contractors, encouraging them to provide feedback, suggestions, and consultation requests, as well as to express their needs, expectations, doubts, and concerns regarding safety, occupational health, and environmental management processes. To facilitate this, PTT employs various communication channels, including pre-work safety meetings, its internal complaint system, feedback through supervisors, direct communication with the human resources department of each business unit, the labor relations complaint system managed by the Labor Relations Department, engagement with the State Enterprise Workers' Union of PTT Public Company Limited (PTT Union), and committee meetings involving the Chief Executive Officer and President, as the Chairperson, where senior management and employee representatives actively participate as committee members.

Employee Health Promotion

PTT prioritizes the health and well-being of its employees by offering comprehensive healthcare services on-site, covering both employees and their families at no cost to the employees. These services encompass the diagnosis and treatment of illnesses unrelated to work. Moreover, employees and their families have the privilege of seeking medical care at external healthcare providers accordEmployee Health Promotioning to PTT's regulations. Additionally, PTT conducts annual health examinations and analyzes healthcare utilization data to support employee health promotion initiatives. These initiatives include projects designed to mitigate the risk of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and fitness programs. All health examination data are securely stored digitally in the personal health database system, ensuring compliance with relevant laws, policies, and practices governing personal data management at PTT. In this regard, employees have access to their personal health information through the organization's intranet platform.

Key Indicators and Performance

PTT Performance Data: Safety