
Human Resource Management


Human Resource Management

Sustainable Development Goals

Actual and Potential Impacts of PTT's Operations

PTT has redefined its vision to "Powering Life with Future Energy and Beyond" signaling a strategic shift towards the future energy sector and expanding its business horizons beyond traditional energy sources. This strategic pivot has prompted a comprehensive reassessment of PTT's business drivers and core competencies, encompassing skills, knowledge, experience, and individual attributes across all organizational roles. This serves as a robust framework for cultivating the capabilities of executives and employees at every level while nurturing a cohesive organizational culture. It fosters a culture of continuous learning and development, prompting employees to embody desired values and behaviors, thereby enhancing both competence and ethical standards through the SPIRIT value. This strategic realignment positions PTT to drive sustainable growth and development in alignment with its future business objectives.

Amid the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, PTT has demonstrated agility by implementing adaptive operational measures. Notably, the introduction of a Work from Home policy during the pandemic's peak evolved into a Work from Anywhere policy as conditions improved, establishing a new operational norm. These adjustments are underpinned by principles of trust and respect, deeply entrenched within PTT's organizational ethos, epitomized by its SPIRIT values. Furthermore, there has been a concerted effort towards digitalizing work processes and transitioning from traditional classroom training to online and virtual formats. This seamless integration of People, Process, and Technology has bolstered operational efficiency as targeted.

Objectives/ Goals

In terms of objectives and goals, Human Resources and Organizational Development Departments have set forth strategic initiatives aimed at becoming strategic business partners and fostering organizational agility in response to dynamic environments. Central to these objectives is the prioritization of employee well-being and satisfaction, facilitating the delivery of high-quality, efficient services. This strategic imperative hinges on three key drivers: maximizing employee potential, optimizing operational processes, and leveraging cutting-edge technology across operations. By pursuing these objectives, PTT endeavors to maintain a competitive edge in both present and future landscapes. Notably, the HR department has devised comprehensive strategies and action plans for human resource management and organizational development in 2023, anchored in the 4R's strategy: Recruit, Retain, Retrain, and Redesign.

Determination of Strategic Goals and Operational Guidelines

Strategic ObjectivesOperational Guidelines
Adequate number of competent executives to drive business operations. In the future, there will be regular monitoring and the development of succession plans for key strategic positions at all levels.
Adequate number of capable employees to meet business objectives. Employees in the potential pool will be carefully selected and their skills will be enhanced to align with future managerial development through the Career Management mechanism. There will also be continuous monitoring of development outcomes. 
Enhance employee competencies. The primary focus is on enhancing employees' knowledge and skills to effectively prepare them for the Company's growth. This is facilitated through comprehensive leadership development initiatives and specialized group training programs offered by the PTT Leadership Institute and tailored Functional Academies catering to specific professions. These Functional Academies serve as the entity responsible for designing, developing, promoting, and driving employees to excel in their respective professions, in alignment with the vision, mission, and career development direction set by the Corporate Competency Training (CCT) career streams. Additionally, it will establish a 3 to 5 year roadmap for the development of each Functional Academy, aligning with the vision. This includes support plans to foster expertise in each profession, enabling employees to become internal trainers within the PTT Group, advancing towards becoming a sustainable learning organization.
Foster employee engagement within the organization. The focus lies in nurturing employee engagement through thorough results analysis, which involves identifying key factors conducive to employee engagement. This includes crafting strategies at both the Corporate Policy Focus and departmental levels. For example, initiatives aimed at elevating executive-level human resource management and refining human resource procedures and systems are meticulously developed to resonate with the diverse needs and expectations of employees across departments and age groups within the organization. Concurrently, PTT is steadfast in its commitment to delivering a positive employee experience throughout their tenure with the organization, aiming to foster enduring engagement.
Strengthen the capabilities of the Human Resources Department to efficiently respond to service needs. Improve the capabilities and skills of HR managers and employees to effectively and efficiently address both short-term and long-term business requirements.


• Potential Management Group includes Assistant Managing Directors in the SEVP Pool, Department Managers in the EVP Pool, and Managers at the VP Pool level.
• Potential Staff Group includes Senior-level employees in the DM Pool.

Management Approach

PTT's Human Resource Management Policy

Although the COVID-19 pandemic has eased in 2023, PTT continues to prioritize the safety of its employees and their families. It maintains policies to help alleviate the financial burden of COVID-19 testing expenses, should employees require testing before seeking medical treatment. Additionally, PTT continues to collaborate with network hospitals to facilitate COVID-19 vaccinations for employees and their families. Moreover, to strengthen organizational management and focus on capacity and capability readiness, PTT aims to ensure sufficient and knowledgeable employees to execute business operations aligned with the vision. It emphasizes organizational commitment and, in 2023, the HR Department initiated projects to manage PTT's human resources, such as developing leadership to serve as role models and promoting various academies within PTT, especially in new businesses, to enhance courses that align with development guidelines, elevating organizational and employee capabilities. There are also improvements in managing the potential staff group at PTT, both in terms of development and performance management, to attract and retain talented employees.

Furthermore, the CEO and top management, including presidents and vice presidents, conduct strategic communication sessions, vision sharing, and regular interactions with employees at least once a year in a Hybrid Town Hall format (online and onsite), aligning with the New Normal work environment post the COVID-19 pandemic in 2023. They also engage with remote employees to communicate organizational directions and motivations, fostering a sense of importance among employees. Additionally, the CEO and top management engage with potential staff members to provide insight into business strategies and opportunities for staff to inquire about operational concepts, serving as role models and encouraging employees' significant contribution to PTT's sustainable business growth.

Structure for Human Resource (HR) Governance

PTT's human resource management governance structure comprises various relevant committees, including:

CommitteeHuman Resource Management RolesFrequency
Career Competency Training (CCT) Consultants Plan and establish guidelines for employee career development. At least once a month,
or as deemed necessary.
Human Resources Business Unit Management Committee (HRBG) Review, provide recommendations, and approve personnel management issues. At least once a month,
or as deemed necessary.
Human Resources Committee (HRC)

Propose and offer counsel on personnel management policies for approval, evaluation, and consultation within PTT's personnel management.

At least once a month.

Human Resources Management Committee (HRMC) of PTT Public Company Limited Propose policies and make decisions on personnel management, including approval, evaluation, and offering insights on job grading structures and workforce allocation to align with and support the business directions of the PTT Group. At least once a month.
Management Committee of PTT Public Company Limited (PTTMC)

Propose policies and make decisions on personnel management, including approval, evaluation, and offering insights on job grading structures and workforce allocation to align with and support the business directions of the PTT Group.

At least twice a month,
or as deemed necessary
Structure, Job Grading, and Manpower Committee (SJMC) Review and endorse job structures, positions, job grades, and workforce frameworks. At least once a month,
or as deemed necessary.
Human Resources Advisory Committee (HRAC) Oversee human resources to synchronize with the strategic vision of the PTT Group, ensuring systematic operations At least once a quarter,
or as deemed necessary.
Group Management Committee of PTT Group (PTTGMC) Set policies, make decisions regarding personnel management, and prepare and develop executives of the PTT Group. At least once a month,
or as deemed necessary.
Employee Potential and Scholarship Management Committee Supervise employee scholarship and international training initiatives aimed at nurturing high-potential employees for future leadership positions. As deemed necessary.
Public Relations Committee of PTT Public Company Limited Offer feedback, foster, and enhance employee relations, strategize conflict resolution within PTT, revise regulations, consult to tackle complaints, and enhance working conditions. At least once a month.
PTT Board of Directors Assess diverse facets of personnel management in accordance with delegated authority. As deemed necessary.

PTT incorporates the principles of a learning organization into its human resource management systems and the enhancement of various organizational dimensions through the strategic use of information technology. For instance, PTT employs the SAP (Systems Applications and Products) system to maintain comprehensive employee databases, and the COACH system for performance and career management, which captures employee work data and job analysis specifics. Additionally, it utilizes success profile frameworks for positions and collects Key Performance Indicator (KPI) data to facilitate standardized performance evaluations throughout the organization, among other tools.

Human Resource Management Process 

PTT places significant emphasis on investing in the development of all employees, acknowledging that individuals with potential, determination, skill sets, and a strong commitment to the organization are pivotal in propelling business success and realizing the Company's vision and mission. PTT prioritizes the establishment of a knowledge-centric culture, fostering leadership opportunities, and nurturing employees at all levels to embody virtues, professionalism, and a perpetual readiness to learn throughout their careers. Furthermore, PTT encourages employees to make meaningful contributions to society and the environment while steering the organization towards sustainable growth.

Employee Recruitment
PTT actively seeks out individuals with potential to join as key contributors in shaping and fortifying a resilient and sustainable organization. This involves a focus on career progression, fostering innovation, and leveraging digital technologies to adapt to evolving landscapes in line with PTT's forward-looking vision of "Powering Life with Future Energy and Beyond." Human resource management endeavors to facilitate the continual growth of employee capabilities in harmony with the organization's trajectory, striving to maintain a healthy balance between personal life and work responsibilities and ensuring equal employment opportunities.

PTT implements a structured recruitment and selection process, disseminating job openings through various channels that resonate with prospective candidates and resonate with PTT's overarching vision. These channels include PTT's dedicated job application website, online platforms for job seekers, and the Line Official Account "@PTT Career." Moreover, PTT collaborates with universities, professors, students, and scholars through annual engagements and initiatives to share insights into work experiences and deepen understanding of PTT's operations. Additionally, PTT establishes partnerships with private sector entities associated with Thai students studying abroad, a demographic targeted for potential recruitment. Human resource departments collaborate closely with business units to assess needs, delineate job requirements, and define qualifications to attract candidates who align with the organization's ethos and objectives. Furthermore, PTT takes into account candidates' current residences in areas where PTT operates, as well as their willingness to work in specific locations or provinces based on family considerations, fostering enduring working relationships. This approach also supports localized recruitment initiatives.

Promoting Diversity

PTT places a high value on fostering and preserving diversity within its workforce, considering factors such as ethnicity, religion, gender, age, social class, geographic origin, education, field of study, and political beliefs. It does not restrict opportunities based on disabilities or age. This inclusive approach is designed to ensure that the workforce reflects the necessary diversity to meet job requirements and cater to the needs and differences of customers, as well as the diverse business landscape both domestically and internationally. By embracing diversity, PTT encourages the exchange of ideas, cultures, perspectives, and experiences, fostering creative thinking and innovation that benefit the organization and society as a whole. Additionally, PTT emphasizes the importance of raising awareness of human rights, respecting diversity in the workplace, and promoting ethical conduct in business operations. This is achieved through comprehensive training programs delivered in various formats, including classroom training and e-learning. These programs cover topics such as Good Corporate Governance and Anti-Corruption (CG e-learning), Human Rights, Innovation Leadership and Diversity Management, and Workforce Diversity Generation Management, and are provided to all employees and managers.

PTT sets clear standards of behavior and actions that constitute disciplinary offenses, which are publicly announced to ensure employee compliance. In cases of non-compliance, immediate supervisors issue warnings, and more serious infractions result in disciplinary action. Employees will face disciplinary action tailored to the specific nature of the offense, fitting the circumstances of each case accordingly.

Employees are encouraged to report any unfair work-related issues or inappropriate practices through multiple channels, including addressing written complaints to the accused employee's supervisor, with the option for complainants to remain anonymous. Alternatively, complaints can be submitted through the labor relations complaint system on the PTT intranet. This proactive approach enables the organization to address issues before they escalate, fostering a positive relationship between the organization and its employees.

Actions or behaviors that involve segregation, discrimination, or sexual/ non-sexual harassment, or the denial of any gender-related benefits, whether direct or indirect, without justifiable reasons, are considered disciplinary offenses. This applies regardless of a person's gender, expression of gender identity, or differences in birthplace, ethnicity, religion, language, age, disability, or physical or mental health condition (Clause 3.8 of HR Standards, Chapter 20, Standards of Conduct and Disciplinary Offenses). Offenders are subject to disciplinary action according to the nature of the offense, in accordance with PTT's disciplinary guidelines. Such actions are considered moderate offenses and may result in withholding salary increases for up to six months in the following year.

Employee Rights
PTT upholds a sustainable human resource management policy that honors the rights of its workers, encompassing those safeguarded by law and fundamental human rights within the employer-employee relationship across all facets of employment. The Company actively advocates for and facilitates the exercise of these rights, ensuring equitable treatment aligned with global standards such as the United Nations "Protect, Respect and Remedy" Framework for Business and Human Rights, conventions established by the International Labor Organization, and the guidelines outlined by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) for multinational enterprises, etc. Furthermore, PTT places significant emphasis on fostering a harmonious work-life balance by nurturing a superior quality of work environment characterized by stability, safety, and well-being. To enhance various aspects of the workplace, the Company sets clear objectives and performance indicators. PTT ensures comprehensive access to information on organizational human resource management through a diverse array of communication channels, including policy details, regulations, and guidelines, updates on labor relations, internal organizational changes, employee benefits and entitlements, initiatives for employee engagement, crisis management protocols, and other relevant updates. This information can be accessed through internal announcements, the internet, email, and communications from supervisors and department heads. Moreover, transparent processes are in place to handle complaints and grievances, providing employees with channels to express concerns freely. Communication ensures that individuals lodging complaints or grievances are safeguarded, with no adverse effects on their job performance or safety. Additionally, the organization implements preventive measures to avert recurrence of issues.

PTT actively encourages employee engagement in the State Enterprise Labor Union of PTT Public Company Limited ("PTT Labor Union"). The union is dedicated to nurturing positive relationships between employees and employers, addressing grievances, safeguarding employment-related benefits, fostering operational efficiency, and upholding the interests of the state enterprise. PTT extends support to the PTT Labor Union through various means, including the Corporate Affairs Committee, which collaborates to advance the welfare of all PTT Labor Union members (63.01 % of employees represented by an independent trade union). Importantly, PTT refrains from implementing policies that impede employees from joining the PTT Labor Union, firmly rejecting coercion, intimidation, retaliation, or any form of violence in such matters.

Living Wage
When determining employee compensation, PTT prioritizes providing a living wage that sufficiently covers the essential needs of both employees and their families, allowing them to maintain a dignified standard of living while also having the opportunity to save. PTT conducts regular reviews of employee compensation and has established procedures to gather feedback from employees through the State Enterprise Labor Union of PTT Public Company Limited ("PTT Labor Union"). The Corporate Affairs Committee of PTT Public Company Limited oversees employee complaints, claims, or expectations through monthly meetings, with comprehensive reports distributed to all employees afterward. Additionally, PTT integrates insights from annual employee engagement surveys into its compensation adjustment deliberations. PTT's compensation framework encompasses various components:

1. Salary
PTT sets salary levels at a standard that ensures employees and their families can sustain themselves adequately, fostering a dignified lifestyle with room for savings. These salary levels are compared against those of leading businesses in the same sector, namely oil & gas companies in Thailand. The salary structures for different job levels are tailored to reflect the diverse responsibilities of employees. Annually, PTT evaluates the total compensation of its employees against industry benchmarks and proposes adjustments to the respective PTT committees to maintain fairness. Salaries are disbursed monthly by the 28th day of each month, with annual reviews based on the Company's performance and achievements during the year. Salary increments are approved by the Board of Directors of PTT Public Company Limited, considering factors like company performance, inflation rates, market survey data on bonuses offered by comparable firms in the Oil & Gas industry, which impact the adjustment of employees' cost of living. Minimum salary increments exceed inflation rates to enhance employees' purchasing power annually. Furthermore, employees receive salary boosts throughout the year upon promotion to higher positions, reflecting their increased responsibilities and roles.

2. Welfare and Benefits
In addition to salaries, PTT provides a comprehensive range of welfare benefits aimed at enhancing the stability of employees' livelihoods, particularly for those who may struggle to meet essential needs solely on their salaries or lack sufficient government assistance. These benefits are carefully crafted to address basic human necessities and are benchmarked against industry leaders in the Oil & Gas sector and similar fields. Among the welfare benefits offered to PTT employees are: Benefits related to healthcare, encompassing health insurance coverage and medical benefits provided by PTT Public Company Limited (PTT) hospitals, offering employees and their families access to services without any cost. Additionally, PTT provides loans to help alleviate financial burdens, as well as annual health check-ups and essential vaccinations including workplace stress management and Sport & health initiatives. PTT supports employees in building savings for emergencies and ensuring a high quality of life after retirement through the establishment of a pension reserve fund. Employees have the flexibility to choose from a range of investment plans based on their preferences. Furthermore, agreements have been established with savings cooperatives to offer additional financial services, including deposit and loan services tailored to the needs of employees. Employees who work regularly in provinces where they do not reside permanently will receive an additional allowance for assignments outside their home province to cover the challenges and expenses associated with relocation and accommodation. This allowance also addresses the daily cost of living or the inconvenience of being away from their families. PTT offers accommodation for its employees in specific areas. In locations where PTT does not provide housing, employees will receive a housing allowance adequate for arranging their own accommodation. For employees required to work offshore, they receive additional assistance to address the unique challenges of such assignments. Similarly, for those regularly working abroad, PTT offers customized benefits and privileges tailored to the specific conditions of each country, including factors like geography, climate, society, and cost of living. This comprehensive support ensures that employees and their families can maintain a high quality of life wherever they are stationed. These benefits encompass a cost-of-living adjustment index (COLA Index) to ensure employees have adequate financial resources to cover expenses in their host countries. Moreover, there are provisions for suitable housing allowances, accounting for accommodation costs in urban areas and accommodating families with spouses and children. Additionally, allowances for public utility expenses are provided to alleviate any disparities in utility costs between foreign countries and Thailand, along with support for children's education expenses. All benefit rates and privileges are meticulously determined through surveys conducted by leading global consultants. This process guarantees that they remain internationally competitive and comparable to those offered by top businesses in each respective country, thereby meeting the needs of PTT's employees worldwide.

Furthermore, PTT offers extra remuneration for tasks performed beyond standard obligations, including overtime pay for work conducted outside regular hours, holiday pay for those on duty during holidays, and shift differentials for continuous or scheduled work that, if disrupted, could affect operations. Moreover, additional compensation is allotted for offshore assignments to incentivize and support employees operating in hazardous environments and dealing with daily challenges. Standby pay is extended to employees tasked with maintenance or specific duties necessitating readiness onsite or at the workplace to promptly address issues or emergencies. This serves as motivation for employees handling specialized roles and as compensation for the sacrifice of regular leisure time on customary days off.

3. Bonuses
PTT incentivizes and acknowledges employee commitment by disbursing bonuses tied to the Company's annual performance, subject to approval by the PTT Board. Acknowledging individual contributions, certain employee cohorts receive variable bonus rates reflecting their distinct performance levels, fostering a culture of meritocracy.

Motivational Strategies

PTT employs a range of strategies and policies to inspire its workforce, covering diverse areas such as compensation, career advancement, and more, as follows:

  • With respect to appointment and Promotion Criteria, PTT ensures that employees demonstrating potential and exceptional performance are afforded advancement opportunities based on merit, following standardized criteria.
  • The salary adjustment policy upon employee promotion is aligned with industry standards, ensuring that over the long term, employees' salaries remain competitive within the market and fair for those with experience, enhanced expertise, or increased responsibilities.
  • A performance-based compensation management system is implemented, mandating employees at every level to establish personal objectives and performance metrics that align with the Company's goals and strategies. This approach ensures fairness and inclusivity by acknowledging the diverse job performances of employees without bias.
  • Annually, there is a systematic examination, benchmarking, and refinement of compensation management practices against leading companies, both locally and globally. This practice is a reflection of the company's performance, ensuring that compensation remains competitively positioned nationally and internationally, in line with actual operational achievements.
  • A career development plan is in place for employees, tailored to prepare them for advancement to higher positions. This plan is individually customized for each employee. Those demonstrating exceptional performance and growth potential in their roles will be transparently and equitably reviewed for promotion by a respective committee.
  • Working hours are adjusted to accommodate flexible schedules. Employees can choose their entry time on workdays to be in line with their own lifestyle, from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., counting up to 8 hours of work time (not including 1 hour of break time), such as the entry time of 7:10 a.m. and finishing work 4:10 p.m. or work time 10:00 a.m., finish time 7:00 p.m., etc. For empowering employees to effectively manage their workloads while fostering a healthy work-life balance. Moreover, established guidelines support employees in working remotely from diverse locations beyond the office premises (Work from Anywhere).
  • A wide range of welfare and benefits are offered, surpassing legal obligations, with designs tailored to suit and inclusively cater to employees of all age groups. These provisions span every phase of an employee's life, with individuals having the autonomy to choose benefits that align with their preferences. Examples include alternative benefits and personalized healthcare coverage for family members including paid family or care leave beyond parental leave (care for a child, spouse, partner, dependent, parent, sibling, or other designated relation with a physical or mental health condition) most Thai companies just refer to annual leave.

Age RangeBenefits and Welfare
Employees Provide alternative benefits that align with the diverse needs of employees of different ages, including benefits for employees' family members such as medical care, employee children's education funds, and educational assistance.
Mutual Separation Plan is to help employees who have necessary reasons such as health problems, etc.
Employees approaching retirement age Implement training programs to prepare employees for retirement, covering relevant laws related to seniors and inheritance, as well as elderly healthcare, at no cost.
Retired employees

Conduct pre-retirement seminars for employees to provide various knowledge, including physical health care, financial planning, benefits and entitlements, and different types of income tax.

Organization’s initiatives to aid employees in need, such as those encountering health issues, for instance.

Offer specialized welfare and benefits for employees with childcare responsibilities, as outlined below:
  • Pregnant employees are eligible for maternity leave, during which they receive their salary at the applicable rate for up to 90 days. Additionally, they are entitled to further leave following childbirth for up to 150 consecutive days without salary.
  •  Employees seeking leave to assist their spouse with childbirth, in compliance with legal provisions, are entitled to receive their salary at the applicable rate for up to 15 working days.
  • Allocate breastfeeding facilities at PTT medical centers, accessible to employees from 08.00 am to 05.00 pm.
  • PTT Day Care Project is to facilitate employees in the PTT Group in using the service. Reduce travel time to pick up and drop off your child. PTT Day Care is a facility designed to be safe for children. Take care of children's development physically, socially, emotionally, etc. by personnel who have received standard training in caring for infants and young children.
  • Organize a project to manage stress in the workplace (Workplace Stress Management), the Suk Jai Dee Project, is psychological counseling services to promote mental health for employees and our family via 24/7 Hotline, Face to Face, Line Chat. 
  • Create a project to support sports and health (Sport & Health Initiative), including establishing various sports clubs such as tennis, petanque, badminton, golf, etc. In addition, a health promotion center (Fitness Center), including a Thai massage room and swimming pool. For employees and families. Each year there will be many health promotion activities. For example, in 2023 there will be a WALK & RUN FUN & FIT running event every Wednesday of the last week of the month, etc.

Performance Evaluation
PTT employs a Performance Management System (PMS) to efficiently assess employee performance, striving for continuous operational excellence, and this information is used for various human resource management purposes, including remuneration and compensation increase, career development, and other related matters. Both management and employees are required to define individual performance metrics aligned with the organization's five objectives, which include:

  • Resilience
  • Reenergize
  • Reimagination
  • Reform
  • Business as usual

Incorporating alignment with all 6 dimensions of the balanced scorecard perspectives, which are:

  • Product & Service Outcomes
  • Customer-Focused Outcomes
  • Financial & Market Outcomes
  • Workforce-Focused Outcomes
  • Process Effectiveness Outcomes
  • Leadership Outcomes

In addition to organizational strategic planning, PTT establishes strategic-level Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that are then cascaded down to operational levels. These KPIs are comprehensive across the organization and are further refined into departmental-level indicators, ensuring alignment with objectives and goals. Individual performance indicators (Working Related KPIs) are closely tied to employees' assigned responsibilities within their units, including any additional tasks such as involvement in cross-functional project teams. Both collaborative teamwork-based KPIs and individual KPIs are utilized.

For the Performance Management, the evaluations process encompasses both Working-Related KPIs (as previously outlined) and Behavior KPIs. The latter assesses an individual's adherence to the organization's Core Values, which include Synergy, Performance Excellence, Innovation, Responsibility for Society, Integrity & Ethics, and Trust & Respect.

Employees set their individual KPIs through the Performance Management System/Career Management System (COACH), subject to hierarchical approval, with performance tracking conducted at least twice a year. Biannual progress tracking occurs in the second quarter, and annual performance assessment takes place in the fourth quarter through the Two-Way process. This process entails ongoing, agile conversations between supervisors and employees throughout the year, covering various aspects like planning, progress tracking, collaborative problem-solving, overcoming challenges, and skill development. These dialogues aim to empower employees to achieve personal, departmental, and organizational objectives, aligning with PTT's vision, mission, values, and strategies. The approach follows the Management by Objective methodology and incorporates multidimensional performance appraisal.

Employee Skill Development

PTT is committed to fostering the acquisition of knowledge and skills crucial to the organization's strategic direction, thereby bolstering competitiveness in both the current landscape and future endeavors. Achieving this objective is facilitated through robust career management practices and the promotion of mutual knowledge exchange. Career management serves as a structured mechanism for propelling career advancement, anchored in competencies, knowledge, experience, and personal attributes. This framework provides employees with clear career trajectories, instilling a sense of purpose and driving self-directed development. Individual development plans at PTT adhere to the 10/20/70 principle, wherein employees acquire knowledge and skills through training sessions (10%), receive guidance and mentorship from supervisors or senior colleagues (20%), and then apply this knowledge in their roles or share it with others (70%).

At the core of PTT's approach lies a comprehensive career management system, strategically designed to chart employee growth trajectories based on their potential, capabilities, and career aspirations. Oversight of employee progression is facilitated by dedicated career advisory groups, with executive-level management oversight provided by the Human Resources Management Committee of PTT Public Company Limited. Managers receive guidance and support from both the Human Resources Management Committee and the PTT Management Committee, collaboratively crafting individualized development plans to bolster employee competencies and prepare them for future career milestones.

PTT has established a structured process for planning and succession in executive and leadership roles, which involves identifying and grooming potential candidates for executive positions (SEVP Pool, EVP Pool, and VP Pool) as well as for employee positions (DM Pool). This process is overseen by the following committees:

  • Senior Executive Vice President Preparation Group (SEVP Pool), supervised by the Human Resources Management Committee of PTT Public Company Limited (PTT).
  • Executive Vice President Preparation Group (EVP Pool), supervised by the Human Resources Management Committee of PTT Public Company Limited (PTT).
  • Vice President Preparation Group (VP Pool), supervised by the standing professional advisory group.
  • Department Manager Preparation Group (DM Pool), supervised by the standing professional advisory group.

PTT conducts an analysis of organizational needs within a 5-year timeframe and identifies highly potential employees. It formulates individual development plans and establishes target positions to prepare employees for assuming the key roles. Moreover, it offers scholarships to employees interested in pursuing further studies in fields aligned with the organization's direction.

PTT prioritizes the development of employees across all levels through the PTT Leadership and Learning Institute (PLLI). The PLLI focuses on fostering leadership growth and employee learning through its core offerings, which include the Leadership Development Program and Core Program. Furthermore, it delivers specialized skill development training via Functional Programs tailored to meet the present and future needs of the organization. Employing a comprehensive approach, PLLI integrates various learning methods aligned with adult learning principles. This strategy creates an environment conducive to learning and facilitates the exchange of experiences, including intergenerational learning, hands-on training, and case studies. Moreover, PLLI harnesses digital tools to enable continuous learning beyond traditional classroom settings. In 2023, PLLI conducted employee and leadership development initiatives for PTT and its subsidiaries using a Hybrid Learning model. This approach, customized to meet specific group objectives, blends diverse learning techniques such as Classroom, Virtual Classroom, Online Learning, and Field Trips. This adaptability ensures highly effective learning experiences capable of responding to evolving circumstances. The institute enriches learning through Experiential Learning activities like Role Play, Simulation, and Board Games, etc., providing engaging and insightful experiences. Additionally, PLLI develops digital learning resources on the Learning Management System (LMS) to cater to the learning needs and requirements of employees across different generations. To cater to the Anywhere, Anytime and Life-Long learning needs of employees, PTT offers a diverse range of Online Learning opportunities. These encompass courses covering organizational knowledge, regulations, policies, and guidelines, sourced from both internal and external channels. The online learning platform features an extensive array of subjects, including Business, Technology, Soft Skills, Lifestyle, and more, boasting a selection of over 300 courses. Moreover, PTT grants access to the PTT E-Library, which includes e-books, e-magazines, print magazines, and physical books, enabling employees to search, reserve, borrow, and return materials, and access online publications at their convenience. Additionally, employees have access to podcasts as an alternative avenue for self-improvement, offering diverse content from both internal and external sources. PTT also introduces a novel learning format known as Casual Learning, characterized by brief, enjoyable, and easily comprehensible learning experiences, further enhancing the learning journey for employees.

Furthermore, there has been the development of the Playlist feature within the Learning Management System (LMS), which organizes courses into groups, simplifying the search process. This empowers supervisors and employees to choose course categories aligned with New Core Competencies and diverse skill topics of interest. Moreover, customized Playlists tailored to the specific needs of each department have been introduced to facilitate the creation of Individual Development Plans (IDPs) for both supervisors and subordinates.

The Curriculum Structure of the PTT Leadership and Learning Institute
Covering the professional growth of employees across all levels, from fresh recruits to top-level executives, the courses are segmented into three primary categories:

  1. Leadership Development Program: This initiative is tailored to groom and expedite the advancement of potential managerial talent by endowing them with proficiencies and insights in both personnel and task management. It entails collaborative learning endeavors with distinguished speakers, as well as knowledge exchange sessions with senior executives, both internally and externally. Participation in this program is reserved for managers identified as prospective talents based on predefined organizational benchmarks.
  2. Core/Functional Program (Mandatory courses for employees of all levels): This program is geared towards honing the competencies of employees across all echelons, aligned with their respective job clusters or career trajectories. It is subdivided into Compulsory, Direction/Assignment, Essential, and Functional Programs.
  3. Elective Program: This program presents supplementary courses to cater to individual requirements, with inputs solicited from both supervisors and employees to tailor the curriculum to the specific needs of the workforce.
  • In 2023, notable strides were made in employee development through the Leadership Development Program. For example, the LDP1 course, catering to employees in the VP Pool cohort, concentrated on cultivating proficiencies in Entrepreneurship, Strategic Direction, Business Acumen, Analysis & Decision Making, Delegation, and Empowerment. Learning experiences were enriched through hands-on methodologies, supplemented by networking activities. Notably, 25 employees were promoted to the VP level during the past year, successfully filling all vacant positions.
  • Furthermore, the Young People to Globalize (YP2G) project, most recently represented by Batch 9 in 2023, aimed to equip employees with the acumen to navigate challenging tasks. Moreover, there are pivotal new projects within PTT that entail strategic significance. YP2G employees are entrusted with managing assignments across four core functions: Strategy & Planning, Business Development, Commercial & Marketing, and Engineering & Operation. This hands-on involvement allows employees to enrich their skills and knowledge through On-the-Job Training (OJT) while actively participating in real-world tasks. As evidenced by the outcomes of the previous year, in 2023, program participants were deployed to contribute to emerging business sectors or PTT's new S-curves, with a total of 7 individuals involved.

Employee Development Programs

Name & Description of the programLeadership Development Program (LDP1) Young People to Global (YP2G)
Description of program objective/business benefits
To develop a well-structured leadership development program focused on the specific needs of future leaders in the areas of Entrepreneurship, Strategic Direction, Business Acumen, Analysis & Decision Making, Delegation, Empowerment by learning through Action-based Learning, including networking activities which can optimize operations and achieve better results. We can cultivate a strong talent pool ready to take on Vice President roles, achieving our business goals of
  • Reduces Executive Shortage: By developing our internal talent pool to have a readily available pipeline of qualified candidates for future VP openings, decreasing reliance on external recruitment.
  • Ensures Business Continuity & Increased Efficiency and Productivity: Equips our leaders to seamlessly transition into leadership roles, minimizing disruption and maintaining business momentum during leadership changes. The program equips leaders with the skills to navigate change and identify new opportunities. This allows businesses to stay ahead of the curve and expand into new businesses or ventures aligning with our vision “Powering life with Future Energy and Beyond”
  • Reduced Recruitment Costs:  By developing our strong internal candidates, we can reduce dependence on external recruitment, saving time and money.
To develop and equip selected Talent employees with the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities, emphasis is placed on Building Working Relationships, Continuous Learning and Connected Decision Making competency to:
  • Thrive in new, challenging businesses.
  • Contribute to PTT's strategic direction of "Powering life with Future energy and beyond."
  • Spearhead new business expansion initiatives for long-term profitability and sustainability.
  • Build strong working relationships internally and externally.
  • By providing stretch assignments that challenge them with broader responsibilities and decision-making through the form of on the job training (OJT) through 3 main duties: Strategy & Planning, Business Development, Commercial & Marketing. This allows them to apply their learning in real-world scenarios and fosters practical knowledge application to achieve PTT’s business goals of
  • Reduced Recruitment Costs: Develop internal talent, minimizing reliance on external hiring.
  • Knowledgeable Workforce: Build a future-proof workforce equipped for new business challenges.
  • Sustainable Growth: Support PTT's strategic goals and long-term sustainability.
Business benefits of the program
This program offers a strong package of business benefits, including:
  • Succession Planning and Continuity: By developing our future leaders internally, the program creates a ready pipeline of qualified and knowledgeable executives to prevent shortages in critical positions. This ensures smooth transitions and minimizes disruptions during leadership changes.
  • Increased Efficiency and Productivity: The program equips leaders with the skills to navigate change and identify new opportunities. This allows businesses to stay ahead of the curve and expand into new markets or ventures aligning with our vision.
  • Reduced Recruitment Costs: By developing our strong internal candidates, we can reduce dependence on external recruitment, saving time and money.
  • In summary, this leadership training program offers a comprehensive approach to build a strong internal leadership candidates, we can reduce its reliance on external recruitment, saving time and money, ensuring business continuity, and driving growth and success.

This program offers business benefits, including:

  • Reduced Recruitment Costs: To develop the skills and knowledge they need to take on new roles, we’ve nurtured a pool of qualified candidates internally, this reduces dependence on external recruitment.
  • Knowledgeable Workforce & Sustainable Growth: By providing opportunities for continuous learning,we equip employees with the latest skills and knowledge to tackle new challenges and adapt to industry trends. This future-proofs our workforce, ensuring they stay relevant and competitive and contribute more effectively to achieving PTT's strategic goals which contribute to sustainability and success.
  • In summary, PTT can create a highly skilled and adaptable workforce ready to navigate the complexities of future energy ventures. This program will equip them with the necessary competency to make immediate contributions,ensure strategic alignment and propel PTT towards a sustainable future.
Quantitative impact of business benefits (monetary or non-monetary)
  • 25 employees have been appointed to the position of Vice President. Able to fill vacant positions 100% as succession planned
  • This has resulted in a cost saving of 14,619,960.93 baht, with a return on investment (ROI) of 179.70%
  • This program accelerates learning by providing hands-on experience in various business areas, equipping high-potential employees for future opportunities within the company. In 2023, 14 employees participated in the program to prepare for new business positions.
  • This has resulted in a cost saving of recruiting employees from outside to fill positions by 2,224,984.69 baht, representing an ROI of 221.37%.
% of FTEs participating in the program


  • In 2023, notable strides were made in employee development through the Leadership Development Program. For example, the LDP1 course, catering to employees in the VP Pool cohort, concentrated on cultivating proficiencies in Entrepreneurship, Strategic Direction, Business Acumen, Analysis & Decision Making, Delegation, and Empowerment. Learning experiences were enriched through hands-on methodologies, supplemented by networking activities. Notably, 25 employees were promoted to the VP level during the past year, successfully filling all vacant positions.
  • Furthermore, the Young People to Globalize (YP2G) project, most recently represented by Batch 9 in 2023, aimed to equip employees with the acumen to navigate challenging tasks. Moreover, there are pivotal new projects within PTT that entail strategic significance. YP2G employees are entrusted with managing assignments across three core functions: Strategy & Planning, Business Development, and Commercial & Marketing. This hands-on involvement allows employees to enrich their skills and knowledge through On-the-Job Training (OJT) while actively participating in real-world tasks. As evidenced by the outcomes of the previous year, in 2023, program participants were 14 person.

Knowledge Management

At PTT, knowledge management encompasses both individual and collective learning experiences, spanning community-based knowledge sharing and organizational-wide learning initiatives. This comprehensive approach fosters the evolution of PTT into a learning organization, facilitated by the Values Collaboration and Knowledge Management Committee. This committee drives knowledge management initiatives through a tripartite focus on processes, people, and technology, thereby elevating and disseminating best practices to enhance collective capabilities and excellence within PTT's competitive domain. In this regard, the Values Collaboration and Knowledge Management Committee of PTT will provide updates on the progress of knowledge management to the PTT Group Management Committee as required.

The Chief Executive Officer and President PTT has tasked the Values Collaboration and Knowledge Management Committee of the PTT Group with setting directions and policies to achieve organizational goals. This includes a review of the vision and objectives within the organizational learning framework, at least once a year. The objective is to transform knowledge management into a catalyst for cultivating a culture of knowledge sharing and exchange among PTT group employees. This initiative aims to empower employees to translate their knowledge into innovative ideas across all departments. The primary focus is on nurturing innovation that generates value and/or added value for the PTT Group. Knowledge management is executed through three primary mechanisms:

  • Process: Developing knowledge management systems aimed at streamlining the exchange, storage, application, and progression of knowledge within the organization. This initiative also involves advocating for the adoption of digital technologies to prepare us for future transformations and ensure we meet the expectations of all stakeholders.
  • People: Enhancing the development of personnel, fostering a culture of continuous learning and self-improvement among the workforce.
  • Technology: Supporting the utilization of information technology for efficient and timely data storage and retrieval, thereby improving access to knowledge. This includes the modernization of our knowledge management system, known as KM SPACE, to enhance user experience and better serve their needs.

In this regard, in 2023, all three operational mechanisms were actively engaged as follows:

  • PTT Group Core Values & KM Alignment Committee
  • SPIRIT-LO Agents
  • PTT Community of Practice (CoPs)
  • PTT LO Maturity Assessment
  • LO Communication
  • PTT Knowledge Theme Revisit
  • LO Partnership Development Program
  • APQC Benchmarking
  • LO Capability & Competency Build Up
  • PTT Group KM Award
  • LO Consulting Service (LO Partner)
  • Learning From Legacy
  • KMA

Core Values
Determination of PTT Group Core Values

PTT has introduced the SPIRIT values to foster a collaborative culture and unified working approach within the PTT Group. The SPIRIT values consist of: S for Synergy, P for Performance Excellence, I for Innovation, R for Responsibility for Society, I for Integrity & Ethics, and T for Trust & Respect. These six SPIRIT values serve as foundational principles that mold PTT executives and employees into competent, ethical, and accountable individuals, benefiting both the organization and society as a whole.

These principles will propel the organization towards its new vision, "Powering Life with Future Energy and Beyond," and address forthcoming challenges. They are aimed at empowering PTT employees to lead Thailand's transition to a new era, guided by the SPIRIT values:

  • Synergy: Embracing collaborative efforts, emphasizing knowledge exchange among employees, and nurturing cooperation within and beyond the organization.
  • Performance Excellence: Pursuing excellence, ensuring employees adapt swiftly to change, commit to exceeding expectations, and deliver maximum value to stakeholders.
  • Innovation: Cultivating growth through innovation, fostering positive attitudes, encouraging the pursuit of new ideas, creative thinking, the application of digital technologies for enhanced efficiency, and continuous learning and development.
  • Responsibility for Society: Making societal and environmental impact, prompting employees to work with awareness of stakeholder consequences to achieve sustainable development, develop environmentally conscious businesses, and embrace a spirit of volunteerism for the greater good.
  • Integrity & Ethics: Fostering a culture of integrity, ensuring transparency, honesty, and integrity in all employee actions, and embodying the organization's values with virtuous conduct.
  • Trust & Respect: Building trust and confidence, encouraging employees to cultivate trust and confidence in collaborative work, creating opportunities, trusting in the potential and capabilities of others, fostering open-mindedness, and respecting diversity.

Employee Engagement

PTT conducts comprehensive annual assessments to pinpoint the primary drivers affecting employee commitment and satisfaction, employing both quantitative metrics and qualitative insights. These assessments entail gathering field data, convening subgroup sessions with employees, and conducting surveys focused on gauging employee commitment and satisfaction. The overarching objective is to grasp the diverse needs and expectations across different employee groups and leverage survey findings to fine-tune strategies aimed at nurturing commitment and satisfaction, thereby directly influencing key business outcomes.

In 2023, PTT underwent a thorough evaluation of its Employee Engagement Model, integrating supplementary inquiries related to the Employee Value Proposition (EVP). These inquiries were crafted to gauge satisfaction levels concerning the Diverse Opportunities available within PTT and the Positive Impact it has. The questions delved into avenues for employees to assume varied roles aligned with their interests, as well as opportunities to contribute to projects or initiatives perceived by employees as elevating quality of life, fostering societal progress, conserving the environment, shaping the nation and the future. In addition, PTT places importance on the mental health of employees. It is carried out through the Sook Jai Dee Project. Consists of activities that enhances mental health to be suitable for each group of employees. There is also an assessment of employees' mental health in various dimensions, such as work stress, job burnout, and mental health. Job satisfaction, etc. There are also experts to give advice to employees who need advice.

Complaints and Grievances
PTT has established transparent and equitable mechanisms for addressing employee complaints. The Company's policies and procedures delineate clear processes, definitions, and delineations of responsibilities for relevant units. Upholding confidentiality and respecting human rights are paramount. Employees at all hierarchical levels receive thorough communication to ensure confidence in the protection of complainants and grievants, assuring that their actions do not adversely affect their work or safety. The emphasis lies on fostering mutual understanding among employees and between employees and the organization. Tailored investigation committees, comprising representatives from internal audit, legal, compliance, corporate governance functions, and HR, are formed for case-specific inquiries. Additionally, PTT offers avenues for lodging free and independent complaints and grievances. These channels include direct communication with the accused party's chain of command, HR departments of respective business units, the labor relations complaint system, the corporate relations committee, the Joint Consultation Committee (JCC), and the State Enterprise Workers' Union of PTT Public Company Limited (PTT Labor Union).


1. PTT adheres to the State Enterprise Labor Relations Act, B.E. 2543 (A.D. 2000), which mandates the establishment of the PTT Labor Relations Committee. This committee comprises the Chief Executive Officer and President (as a PTT director) serving as the Chairperson, 9 employer representatives, and 9 employee representatives, totaling 19 members. Its responsibilities include monitoring and reporting employee complaints to the PTT Labor Union, as well as deliberating on issues concerning employment conditions and benefits raised in these complaints. The employee representatives will present complaints received from employees to the monthly meeting of the Labor Relations Committee and monitor such complaints to ensure they are addressed and resolved.
2. Furthermore, PTT has instituted a Joint Consultation Committee at strategic operational sites across various regions, such as the Natural Gas Separation Plants in Rayong Province, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, and the Operations Center in Chonburi Province. These committees, chaired by the highest-ranking executives at each site, comprise representatives from both management and employees. Together, they review proposals and complaints from both parties to ensure that each operational site upholds standards of employee welfare in accordance with PTT's regulations.
3. The PTT Labor Union functions as an autonomous entity pivotal in the investigation and resolution of grievances. It operates under the purview of the Corporate Affairs Committee, offering insights for the refinement of regulations to align with contemporary standards and maximize employee benefits. The primary objective of the PTT Labor Union is to uphold the minimum employment standards prescribed for state enterprises by law and regulations. Additionally, PTT extends opportunities, amenities, and assistance to employees interested in joining the ranks of the PTT Labor Union.

Key Performance Indicators and Significant Achievements

Human Resource Management Outcomes

The effectiveness of human resources management at PTT is demonstrated through the Human Resources Cost Efficiency Index, which highlights the organization's proficiency in managing human resources for maximum productivity. This index encompasses three key dimensions:

  1. Enhancing employee skills and capabilities
  2. Fostering employee engagement and loyalty to the organization
  3. Providing avenues for on-the-job learning and diverse work experiences
In 2023, despite facing numerous crises that affected employee work practices at PTT, the Human Capital Index (HCI) scores remained on target at 80%. Specifically, this indicates that the level of employee skills and abilities stood at 69%, employee engagement scores were at 82%, and the employee rotation rate was 90%.

Human Capital Index (HCI) (%) 

Performance 77 82 82 80

Employee Recruitment Progress

In 2018, PTT overhauled its E-recruit system, elevating its functions from merely managing applicant data to facilitating contract finalization. This upgrade streamlined recruitment and selection processes, empowering better data analysis and process refinement. Moreover, the onboarding program underwent enhancements, ensuring swift assimilation of new hires into the organizational ethos and fulfillment of job expectations, perfectly aligned with PTT's operational requisites.

In 2019, PTT continued refining the E-recruit system for enhanced efficiency, guided by user feedback, resulting in increased flexibility and seamless integration with the applicant database. Notably, a PTT game-based aptitude test was introduced in July 2019, comprehensively assessing candidates' cognitive, potential, and technological proficiencies.

In 2020, a vigilant monitoring and improvement scheme was implemented for the testing system, with a focus on enhancing result transparency, establishing a comprehensive data repository, and refining operational protocols for the team.

In 2021, PTT diversified its recruitment channels, catering to the preferences of the new generation of applicants, while remaining aligned with PTT's strategic vision, to attract a diverse range of candidates possessing the qualifications that the organization seeks. These channels included the PTT job application website, online platforms, and the Line Official Account. Furthermore, strategic partnerships with various universities were forged, facilitating lectures, knowledge exchanges, and insights into employee experiences, fostering a deeper understanding of PTT's operations and preparing candidates for the application process. The job application website ( was revamped to enhance user accessibility, ensuring compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA).

In 2022, PTT undertook initiatives to broaden its recruitment outreach, forge partnerships with domestic and international organizations and institutions, and facilitate the exchange of knowledge and best practices in recruitment and selection processes to identify potential candidates who resonate with the organization's strategic objectives. Among these initiatives was the Network Recruitment Partnership, which aimed to establish collaborations with professional associations and student groups both locally and globally. Additionally, the University Networking initiative was launched to cultivate relationships with diverse universities. This included hosting specialized lectures for students covering organizational insights, job application preparation, alumni guidance on resume writing and interview readiness, all aimed at bolstering brand recognition and stimulating interest among students to apply for positions at PTT. Moreover, internship programs were offered biannually, during both the cooperative education semester and the summer semester, providing students with opportunities to acquire practical experience and knowledge in real-world settings. PTT also fostered academic partnerships with various universities through the signing of Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs), thereby enhancing collaboration in academic endeavors. Furthermore, PTT extended its recruitment efforts to local communities, such as Rayong, Chonburi, and Nakhon Si Thammarat, by hiring employees and welcoming interns to engage in hands-on learning experiences within units aligned with PTT's business operations.

In 2023, as the COVID-19 pandemic situation began to ease, PTT broadened its recruitment strategies by actively engaging with organizations and educational institutions both locally and globally. This involved fostering partnerships and expanding networks with universities and student associations abroad, including those in the United Kingdom and the People's Republic of China. The goal was to disseminate information about the Company, its operations, and job vacancies, thus enhancing brand recognition among educational institutions and student communities and generating more interest in applying for positions at PTT. Moreover, PTT made improvements to its online job application platforms to offer applicants a more streamlined and efficient experience. Additionally, in its recruitment and internship programs, PTT considered stakeholders from various sectors and took into account the locations of applicants and students, aiming to place them in areas close to PTT's operational sites where job opportunities were available. This initiative aimed to create employment opportunities for local residents living in proximity to PTT's facilities.

Voluntary Employee Turnover  Rate by Gender (%)

Male 1.88 1.35 1.70 1.37
Female 1.43 1.07 1.41 1.15

Voluntary Employee Turnover Rate  by Age (%)

Over 50 years 2.60 1.77 2.15 1.57
30-50 years 0.57 0.54 0.65 0.67
Less than 30 years 0.14 0.11 0.31 0.28

Diversity Results

PTT offers equal opportunities to all individuals in recruiting diverse talents, without regard to race, religion, gender, age, social status, or educational background, in order to meet the varied needs of the organization and its clientele. PTT derives benefits from the diverse perspectives and skills of its workforce, fostering a broadened scope of knowledge and viewpoints within the team. This environment encourages innovative thinking, generating value not only for PTT but also for society at large.

Percentage of Female Workforce (Percentage)

Percentage of female employees to total employees 23 38.35
Percentage of female executives to total executives 23 39.80
Percentage of female junior executives to total junior executives 23 39.44
Percentage of female senior executives to total senior executives 23 26.78
Percentage of female executives in revenue-generating units to total executives in revenue-generating units 23 29.14
Percentage of female employees in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) positions to total female employees in STEM positions 23 24.25


1. Executives denote department managers and higher positions.

2. The targets are determined based on the percentage of female employees in the energy industry.

The gender-based median compensation ratio for 2023

LevelThe ratio of median compensation
for women to men*
Median compensation
for women (THB)
Median compensation
for men (THB)

High-level executives
(Base salary only)

0.94 5,509,980.00 5,872,140.00
High-level executives
(Base salary and other compensation)
0.94 8,919,342.00 9,505,776.00
(Base salary only)
1.16 2,233,440.00 1,919,280.00
(Base salary and other compensation)
1.16 3,629,066.50 3,118,830.00
(Base salary only)
1.17 816,960.00 696,360.00
(Base salary and other compensation)
1.17 1,322,295.00 1,131,585.00

*The data has undergone verification and accreditation by a third-party entity.

The gender pay gap analysis

IndicatorDifference between men and women employees (%)
Mean gender pay gap -8.23
Median gender pay gap -17.67
Mean bonus gap -8.38
Median bonus gap -17.76

Local Employment

Employees working in Rayong
Employees working in the Rayong  591 16
Employees who are residents of Rayong 32 0.90
Senior executives who are residents of Rayong 1 0.03

Source: HR Database as of December 31, 2023

Results of Motivational Initiatives
The specifics of the motivational activities carried out in 2023 are as follows:

Managing work during the COVID-19 situation to cultivate adaptability, which includes offering essential support for work  Employee Engagement Score in 2023 under the "Enabling Infrastructure" category increased by 1% (from 73% to 74%).
Management offers guidance and aids operations centered on new business endeavors, while also strategically steering and aligning teams Employee Engagement Score in 2023 under the "Senior Leadership" category increased by 4% (from 73% to 77%).

Performance Assessment 

All employees are mandated to undergo annual performance evaluations, during which individual performance metrics are established. These assessments are tailored to correspond with the unit's objectives and the organization's overarching goals aimed at fostering success. PTT requires supervisors to monitor employee performance at least biannually, maintaining open communication channels to track progress and offer support, thereby ensuring alignment with established plans and objectives. Through these evaluations, employees' performance is guided to align with predetermined goals and strategies.

Number of employees whose performance appraisal (percentage)


Performance Index Setting 





Performance Appraisal





Employee Development Outcomes

Every employee undergoes assessment, establishes job expectations, and crafts individual development plans to pursue opportunities for progression. These plans encompass training (10%), job coaching (20%), and practical work experience (70%), structured by the PTT Leadership and Learning Institute (PLLI). The PLLI curriculum is meticulously crafted to bolster the competencies of employees across all tiers, spanning from entry-level to managerial roles. It offers a spectrum of courses including new employee orientation, foundational modules, and preparatory programs for prospective managers, programs conducted in alignment with the organization's policy direction. In 2023, all executives and employees within PTT's potential talent pool, scoring 100%, have had individual development plans established. This process is integral to career management, designed to equip individuals with the skills and readiness for progression to higher levels. Through strategic managerial development planning, the organization ensures a sufficient number of managers to fulfill its operational requirements.

Organizational Engagement Results

PTT has established corporate Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to measure employee engagement and satisfaction, ensuring alignment across all management levels. Diligent efforts are invested in crafting improvement strategies and closely monitoring departmental progress.

In 2023, the organizational engagement score reached 82%, reflecting a marginal 3% increase. 

Employee Engagement Result (%)












Data coverage





Complaints and Grievance

PTT offers multiple avenues for employees to address concerns related to their work environment or unfair treatment. These grievances can be resolved through designated channels, including submitting written complaints to the supervisor of the accused individual (with the option of remaining anonymous) or utilizing the labor relations complaint system available on the PTT Intranet. By providing these channels, PTT ensures that all concerns are duly evaluated and addressed, fostering positive relationships between the organization and its employees.

Furthermore, PTT establishes procedures for employees to report grievances if they believe their supervisors have abused their authority or deviated from established procedures, regulations, or instructions. Such grievances can be escalated for discussion with the relevant supervisors, in hierarchical order, to seek resolution.

In this aspect, PTT strictly adheres to and complies with labor laws, as well as the organization's regulations and requirements. PTT's HR regulations, provisions, announcements, and practices are fully aligned with labor laws, thus averting labor disputes and nurturing positive relationships within the organization.

PTT took disciplinary measures against the employee involved after conducting a thorough investigation and disciplinary proceedings for breaching business ethics, stemming from non-compliance, circumvention, violation, or disregard of policies, laws, regulations, directives, and lawful instructions from supervisors, regardless of whether PTT incurred damages. The Company conducted comprehensive investigations, inquiries, and imposed sanctions in line with the regulations governing personnel management.

In this regard, in 2022, there were no reported incidents of internal data misuse, conflicts of interest, or instances of corruption and collusion.

Number of employees committing disciplinary offenses (Cases)

Number of employees investigated/completed investigation for disciplinary offenses: 11
Violation of rules and regulations 7
Misconduct 1
Breach of privacy 0
Bribery 0
Discrimination 0
Sexual harassment 0
Harassment 0
Others 3
Penalties: 11
Warning 9
Withholding salary increase for the following year 1
Suspension without pay and withholding salary increase for the following year 0
Termination with severance pay 0
Termination without severance pay 1

Money laundering or insider trading (Cases)

Target 0 0 0 0
Cases 0 0 0 0

Conflict of interest (Cases)

Target 0 0 0 0
Cases 0 0 0 0

Results of Organizational Values Commitments

To ensure the alignment of organizational operations with the SPIRIT values and the attainment of the Company’s objectives, in line with the PTT Group's new vision – "Powering Life with Future Energy and Beyond," PTT has implemented a series of initiatives structured around three primary frameworks:

People: PTT places a strong emphasis on cultivating a workforce that embodies our organizational values. This involves nurturing a deep understanding of the SPIRIT values and reinforcing desired behaviors through a range of developmental programs accessible to all employees at every level. For instance, SPIRIT values are seamlessly integrated into various aspects of the onboarding process for new employees, including internships, and through targeted training sessions designed to instill a thorough comprehension of these values among managers and staff. The objective is to equip individuals with the skills to leverage organizational values as catalysts for effective teamwork, thereby empowering them to serve as influential leaders and role models who exemplify SPIRIT values in their daily endeavors.

Mechanism: In the realm of fostering SPIRIT behaviors through diverse mechanisms, PTT has seamlessly woven SPIRIT values into its human resource management protocols, spanning from recruitment procedures to performance assessments. This integration ensures that behaviors resonate with the organization's desired ethos. Moreover, initiatives have been launched to empower each department in championing SPIRIT values by devising bespoke ethical action plans tailored to their specific roles and duties.

Reinforcement: In the realm of fostering continuous understanding and behavioral development among employees, PTT places a strong emphasis on the "Tone from the Top" and active engagement of senior management in regular SPIRIT values promotion activities. This commitment is communicated through diverse channels including PR video clips, leadership messages, infographics spotlighting key organizational values such as integrity and ethics. These mediums effectively convey GRC (Governance Risk Compliance) principles and lessons learned, fostering a culture of learning and error reduction while promoting sustainable behaviors in integrity and ethics. Additionally, SPIRIT taglines have been crafted for internal communication to underscore the interconnectedness of SPIRIT values within the organization's work ethos and various initiatives. This initiative aids in nurturing employee understanding and awareness of embodying SPIRIT values as tangible aspects of their daily work routines.

Moreover, PTT has launched the PTT Innovation Boost Camp to further amplify the dissemination and practice of SPIRIT values, while simultaneously fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration among employees. This program equips participants from all business sectors within PTT with the requisite knowledge and skills to drive innovation. Through this initiative, over 135 participants from diverse business sectors within PTT have showcased innovative concepts and proposals for 27 projects under the themes of Sustainable Innovation and New Business. These pioneering ideas will be refined to align with our new vision and bolster PTT's strategic initiatives in new business development.

SPIRIT adherence (%)


Knowledge Management

In 2022, PTT inaugurated its inaugural Learning Organization master plan, leading to the adoption of the PTT LO Maturity Assessment to complement this initiative. Establishing baseline scores that year served as a benchmark for evaluating the effectiveness of knowledge management practices in the following years.

Knowledge management strength (%)


• Between 2019 and 2021, PTT's knowledge management objectives and performance were evaluated using the PTT KM Maturity Assessment.
• In 2022, with the official launch of PTT's Learning Organization master plan, there was a need to refine and elevate the assessment process from the PTT KM Maturity Assessment to the PTT LO Maturity Assessment to align with this strategic initiative. Consequently, no specific targets were established for that year; however, performance scores in 2022 were established as the baseline for comparison in subsequent years.
• In 2023, the deviation between the achieved score and the target was 0.50% (or 0.005), which was deemed statistically insignificant.

Examples of Future Projects and Initiatives

PTT Group’s Projects to Advance Knowledge Management and Become a Sustainable Learning Organization.

The PTT Learning Organization (LO Masterplan) was formally introduced in 2022 and has since been subject to regular reviews, constituting an essential component of the organization's strategic planning framework. Its primary objective is to enhance knowledge management and cultivate a culture centered around learning, in alignment with the organization's renewed vision aimed at driving business value, fostering innovation, and promoting sustainable business growth. Central to this initiative is the continuous development of personnel to ensure they possess the requisite skills and competencies necessary to propel the organization forward as a dynamic learning institution. Furthermore, the LO Masterplan endeavors to instill a culture of learning by placing emphasis on and promoting activities that align with the three primary knowledge management mechanisms: Process, People, and Technology, within the PTT Group. The LO Masterplan delineates key initiatives slated for implementation from 2022 to 2026 as follows:

  • Building Transformational Leadership
  • Integrating Learning into PTT Way of Work
  • KM/LO Team Role Enhancement
  • LO Strategy Design & Communication
  • Strategic Partnership Development
  • Incentive System for Execution & Innovation
  • Creating a Centralized KM/LO Platform
  • Leveraging Analytics to support the Decision-making Process

Key Review and Improvement Initiatives in the Past Year 

Key initiatives under the PTT Learning Organization (PTT LO Masterplan) in 2023 include the development of the Learning Organization Masterplan for 2022-2023 (revised version in 2024), the implementation of LO Partnership Development, the integration of learning organization characteristics into the Human Resources Mangement mechanism through the assessment of job performance via Behavior KPIs (study period and draft guideline preparation), the enhancement of Knowledge Themes aligned with the organization's vision and business direction, as well as the establishment and consolidation of the PTT Group Expert Pool to support the learning organization. Additionally, there will be improvements to the selection criteria for the PTT Group KM Award 2023 to encourage knowledge advancement towards innovation, the development of the KM Space system, particularly the Legacy Letter section for knowledge storage and sharing, and the valuable experience of retirees.

Key Indicators and Performance

PTT Performance Data: People